We secured funding for most of the project today. It wasn’t cheap, and this project no longer makes any kind of economic sense whatsoever, but I suspect that’s how most of these projects go…
We also met with Toni and Loren from After Eight B&B, a lovely Victorian inn on Route 30. (If you drew a line through “Amish Country” then it would be Route 30.) They are restoring another building as a B&B, so we swapped stories about permits and such, and Toni gave us phone numbers for some local contractors. Again I have to note that the people who are willing to talk to us, don’t belong to any of the local B&B associations, and the ones who belong, won’t give us the time of day. I don’t know what it means, but it is an interesting pattern.
Finally, we went to Central Market, touted as the oldest continuously-operated farmer’s market in the country. My expectations were quite high, and completely shattered. First, it’s inside; second, it’s small; and third, a lot of those booths look pretty permanent.